We provide so much in a day:
Are you searching for a day care home for children and old people’s home ?. Then you are at the right place.
Day Care for Ederly
We provide non-medical care home that provides assisted living to the Elderly Aged ones
Day Care for Children
We provide professional daycare services for your children while you do your activities for the day

We don't only provide care but we create the right atmosphere and socialize with those we look after

In the process of taking care of our children and ederly ones, we provide education and a learning process for each day.

We provide all that your child needs in the nursery section with capable hands and educated teachers

Our expert hands and staffs are well trained to take care of your persons and ward to a standard.

We understand the need to eat and refill for energy. So we provide food for consumption for the day

Off cause there is no day care without the need for putting health care into consideration for both our ederly and children.
#Our Mindset
#Good Facilities
We provide conducive environment & facilities.
Our daycare facilities and up to standard to provide a conducive environment for the day.
Exclusively at Edison Foundation we guarantee you of our best services to meet your needs and expectation, either with respect to taking care of your kids for the day or your ederly ones.
#Find Your Pathway
What people say about us.